1) Tell Us Why We Should Follow You
Twitter accounts that
used words like "founder," "speaker," "expert," "guru," and "author" in
their bios had more followers than the average account.
2) Use Contra-Competitive Timing
Posts made to Facebook timelines on Saturdays and Sundays tend to get more Likes than posts made during the business week.
3) Use Tall Images on Pinterest
As image height in pixels increased for images posted to Pinterest, so did the average number of times they were repinned.
4) Put Links 25% of the Way Through Tweets
Links placed just before
the halfway point (in characters) of tweets tended to have higher
clickthrough rates than links placed elsewhere.
5) Use Questions on Facebook
Simple yes/no questions like "should" and "would," as well as
multiple choice questions like "which" tend to get more comments than
average Facebook posts.
6) Use Links to Get Retweets
While fewer than 25% of all tweets contain a link, more than half of retweets contain a URL.
7) Stop Talking About Yourself
As the amount of self-referential content posted by Twitter accounts increases, follower numbers decrease.
8) Say Something New
Retweeted tweets tend to contain fewer commonly used words than a random selection of non-retweeted tweets.
9) Stay Positive
As the amount of negativity posted by Twitter accounts increases, follower numbers decrease.
10) Use Calls-to-Action on Facebook
Facebook posts that included the word "like" tended to get more Likes than the average post.
11) Stay Away From Buzzwords
Facebook Pages that used industry buzzwords tended to have fewer Likes than pages that did not.
12) Share Links to Interesting Content
Accounts in which between 60% and 80% of tweets contain links tend to get more retweets than accounts that tweet fewer links.
13) Use Photos on Facebook
Facebook posts that use photos tend to get more Likes than text, video, or link-based posts.
14) Use Hashtags on Instagram
Photos that included hashtags in their descriptions on Instagram tend to get more Likes than photos that do not.
15) Talk About Food on Facebook
Facebook Pages that mention food tend to have more Likes than the average Facebook Page.
16) Tweet Around 4 p.m.
Tweets posted around 4 p.m. Eastern time tend to get more retweets than those posted at other times.
17) Don't Be Neutral on Facebook
Posts with positive
sentiment get more Likes than posts with negative sentiment, but both
positive and negative perform better than neutral.
18) Write Longer Tweets for More Clicks
Clickthrough rate of links in tweets increases as the overall length of those tweets also increases.
19) Go Short or Long on Facebook
Posts that either contained very little text (such as photos) or upwards of 700 characters tend to get the most Likes.
20) Ask for the Retweet
Tweets that contain the
call-to-action (CTA) "please retweet" are four times more likely to get
retweeted at least once, compared to those that do not include the CTA.
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